Dylan Kavanagh
Dylan grew up in southwest WA (Dunsborough) and started working in the roofing industry at age 17. He began work for high end builders like Springate Construction, House Design and Build, Stadium Homes and Dunsborough Construction. Working for these companies fuelled Dylan’s passion to learn everything he could about the roofing industry.
Since then, he has relocated to Perth and worked for companies that specialised in commercial, industrial and residential structures. These work experiences have given him the skills to be able to tackle any roofing job presented to him.
With a never-ending passion for roof plumbing, strong attention to detail and unwavering enthusiasm, Dylan now spearheads BUSS Roof Plumbing and uses his wealth of knowledge to support the team and provide unquestionable service to our clients.
When Dylan isn’t working hard on roofs, he loves to get in a round of golf or to the beach for a surf. One thing that he loves most is going home each day to his partner and son. Taking his son to the beach or park for a play is also a highlight to his day.